Madilynn has a milk allergy :( :( :(
What this means for her breastfeeding mommy... no milk in my diet.
I went off dairy for about a week to see if there was a difference in her poop (yes I said poop... welcome to my new life), spit up, sleep, congestion, etc. Sure enough every day got a little better. To see if it really was the dairy, I spend 24 hours back on milk products. Boy did Madi pay the price for that one. It was awful. About 24 hours after my first milk consumption, the belly aches started. Her face turns bright red, she scrunches her knees in and has a very distinct my belly hurts cry. It was so hard to see her in so much pain. Not to mention neither of us getting any sleep for 48 hours. The bright side, we know its the dairy and can therefore do something about it. The downside, I love cheese and ice cream.
If anyone has suggestions of foods that have a milk protein substitute I am all ears. Keep in mind, I need to eat light on the soy as well as she has a slight reaction to that as well. In the end, her feeling her best is worth never having ice cream again.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Late Nights
It is 5am and I have been up with Madilynn since 4. Still, I cannot complain. She slept in her crib from 1 - 4 so I definitely got a decent nap. I have found these late night feedings to be very peaceful and reflective. Sure, I am exhausted, but I am also reminded of how lucky I am. It is so quiet at this time of night and the sleeping baby on my chest brings me so much joy and peace. These moments I cherish, because surely one day she will no longer need me in the middle of the night. And... while I do cherish them, I am also truly exhausted. 2 -3 hours of sleep at a time for 3 1/2 weeks has worn me. I find myself wishing my husband could breastfeed ;) and lets face it that is just delusional (a sure sign of my fatigue).
Friday, December 24, 2010
Can't get enough of her
My little bundle of joy is just that. She is all the joy I need. She is the best waste of time. I spend so much of my day just staring at her and watching all of the faces she makes while she dreams. She is so animated and she smiles constantly while she sleeps. Sometimes if I run my finger by her neck I will get a smile. I am starting to think she will be ticklish and lets face it... that is so much fun!
I never imagined I could love someone this much. She is my whole world and even though she is only two weeks old I can't remember life before her. It melts my heart to see how much her daddy adores her. He comes home and immediately, picks her up and begins to interact with and snuggle with her. I feel even more in love with him because of how much he loves our daughter and I didn't even think I could love him more. It is amazing how this little girl truly softens your heart.
Sadly, today we had to have an x-ray done of her extra thumb and it was a miserable experience. Ben and I had to hold her down on a cold medal table and smash her hand between plastic plates to get the x ray images. It hurt her to do that to her hand and she screamed at the top of her lungs. Needless to say, I cried too. I can't stand the idea of someone purposely hurting my baby girl and in this case mommy and daddy were the ones inflicting the pain. It was awful. On the bright side, they are going to wait to do the surgery until she is almost a year old and I got to take an amazing nap with Madi to make up for the torture we put her through.
sorry this post is all over the place... Madilynn is only 2 weeks old. my brain is still only functioning at half ability
I never imagined I could love someone this much. She is my whole world and even though she is only two weeks old I can't remember life before her. It melts my heart to see how much her daddy adores her. He comes home and immediately, picks her up and begins to interact with and snuggle with her. I feel even more in love with him because of how much he loves our daughter and I didn't even think I could love him more. It is amazing how this little girl truly softens your heart.
Sadly, today we had to have an x-ray done of her extra thumb and it was a miserable experience. Ben and I had to hold her down on a cold medal table and smash her hand between plastic plates to get the x ray images. It hurt her to do that to her hand and she screamed at the top of her lungs. Needless to say, I cried too. I can't stand the idea of someone purposely hurting my baby girl and in this case mommy and daddy were the ones inflicting the pain. It was awful. On the bright side, they are going to wait to do the surgery until she is almost a year old and I got to take an amazing nap with Madi to make up for the torture we put her through.
sorry this post is all over the place... Madilynn is only 2 weeks old. my brain is still only functioning at half ability
Monday, December 20, 2010
Our newest arrival.
As some of you may have noticed, I have once again disappeared from the blogging scene. This time, it is with good reason. I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl Madilynn Renee Wood, 5 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches on December 7, 2010 at 7:25pm. It has been a whirl wind ever since. I will give you a synopsis of her birth story, but I warn you, it isn't pretty. Luckily, she is worth all the tears.
On Sunday morning, December 5th, I began having contractions that were 5 minutes apart. I went into the hospital that night to get checked because we knew we were going to have a c-section birth. Ms.Madi was still breech at this 39 week mark and our attempts to have her turned had failed. When I went it to get checked, I was hardly dilated so I decided to go home and let nature run it's course so Madi could be as prepared as possible. I continued to experience contractions every 5 minutes for the next few days.
Feeling exhausted from the sleepness nights of breathing through contractions, I woke up on tuesday and decided to go for a walk with a good friend to get my mind off of the pain. I drove to her house and we took a nice long walk. By the finish of the walk, the contractions had me much more winded and I knew there was a good chance we were going to have this baby that day.
I called my OB and went back in to the hospital to have another check. Sure enough, I had somehow broken my water and not noticed and was now 3 centimeters dilated. I called my husband and had him meet me at the hospital. It was show time. I spent the next 8 hours waiting for antibiotics to take tehir course (since I was strep B postive) and for my stomach to fully empty in prepartation for anesthesia. By the time we were ready to head into the OR my contractions were just a couple minutes apart and I was ready.
As ready as I was, I was still terrified. This is the moment you wait your life for and you find out once and for all if your baby truly is safe and healthy. Ben waited outside for me and they gave me the spinal anesthesia. Not even fifteen minutes after that, Madilynn was out. I cried hysterically with happiness.
The next morning brought many more happy feelings. I was feeling better and was determined to not let the surgery hinder me in any way. I was going to care for my baby and I was going to heal in record time because she needed me to. I wanted to be there for her and I needed full function back to do it. I asked them to not give me any pain meds aside from advil and I got up on my feet and began moving around. As each minute passed I grew stronger and fell more in love with my baby girl.
She is absolutely AMAZING. I feel so blessed to have her and I feel so much more in love with my husband. I didn't even know that was possible. God gave me this wonderful family and they have made me so happy I break out in happy tears at randomness. She is prefect and beautiful. Her extra thumb is even cute. We are having it removed and I am very nervous about the surgery. I can't stand the idea of putting my baby in pain, but I know when she is 17 and heading to the prom she will be grateful we made this decision for her. In the meantime, I am dreading out consultation at Children's hospital next week.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow I thought I would take a moment to thank the women that have been a particular blessing in my life most recently. I think the people in your life that make each day a little brighter are the little blessings from God. For that I am grateful.
I am going to describe these amazing friends and they will know who they are... no need for names...
I am thankful for growing friendships. I have a close friend who is also an old college roommate. Recently, she has been able to be there for me in the most amazing way. She has let me vent the good and bad and has really shared in my excitement of Madilynn. She has taken time out of her busy schedule to spend with me getting coffee or carpooling with me so that we can catch up. She has made these last couple months some of the most peaceful and encouraging and I love that I can call her one of my very best friends.
A helpful new mom... This young woman is a new mom of a beautiful baby girl and she is been above and beyond a source of encouragement. She has made meals for my husband and I, lent me baby products and books, and has been an excellent source of advice and information on being a mom. I have felt so encouraged and taken care of by her. She has really made me feel special. I am overwhelmed by her generosity :)
My surrogate mom has always been there and I know always will. She takes the time to shoot encouraging texts my way just letting me know she is thinking of me and takes time out of her buys work day to get lunch with me. Every time I spend time with her I am reminded of how loved I am. That is a priceless feeling.
There were five amazing women who put on the most AMAZING baby shower for me. I felt so blessed and I could really feel the love from each of them. It was a wonderful and joyful occasion, that would not have been the same if it were not for the love and effort of those five women.
Lastly, I am thankful for my baby girl. She has been soooo good to me. She allows me to still sleep through the night and responds to my touch and my voice. I feel so connected to her and so filled with love for her, that I almost don't know how to handle it all. She is my pride and joy. I am already grateful for her, even though I have not yet seen her little face.
I love all of these wonderful ladies with an unconditional love and I am hoping they have a wonderful holiday. Thanks to all of you for making such an effort to make my days that much better. Happy Thanksgiving!
I am going to describe these amazing friends and they will know who they are... no need for names...
I am thankful for growing friendships. I have a close friend who is also an old college roommate. Recently, she has been able to be there for me in the most amazing way. She has let me vent the good and bad and has really shared in my excitement of Madilynn. She has taken time out of her busy schedule to spend with me getting coffee or carpooling with me so that we can catch up. She has made these last couple months some of the most peaceful and encouraging and I love that I can call her one of my very best friends.
A helpful new mom... This young woman is a new mom of a beautiful baby girl and she is been above and beyond a source of encouragement. She has made meals for my husband and I, lent me baby products and books, and has been an excellent source of advice and information on being a mom. I have felt so encouraged and taken care of by her. She has really made me feel special. I am overwhelmed by her generosity :)
My surrogate mom has always been there and I know always will. She takes the time to shoot encouraging texts my way just letting me know she is thinking of me and takes time out of her buys work day to get lunch with me. Every time I spend time with her I am reminded of how loved I am. That is a priceless feeling.
There were five amazing women who put on the most AMAZING baby shower for me. I felt so blessed and I could really feel the love from each of them. It was a wonderful and joyful occasion, that would not have been the same if it were not for the love and effort of those five women.
Lastly, I am thankful for my baby girl. She has been soooo good to me. She allows me to still sleep through the night and responds to my touch and my voice. I feel so connected to her and so filled with love for her, that I almost don't know how to handle it all. She is my pride and joy. I am already grateful for her, even though I have not yet seen her little face.
I love all of these wonderful ladies with an unconditional love and I am hoping they have a wonderful holiday. Thanks to all of you for making such an effort to make my days that much better. Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
She's Almost Here
I am so consumed and excited with our upcoming due date that I can't seem to focus on anything else. I am finishing my last major school assignment, but it is taking a lot longer because I am busy counting down the last 22 days. I can't lie, I will be sad if we go over our due date. I feel fine physically, I am just eager to meet her. I can't take the wait anymore. I am ready to take this on. I want to wake up all night long to meet her needs. I want to rock, hold, and kiss her constantly. She has made me the happiest I have ever been and I have not even officially met her. I can't imagine the profound impact she is about to have on our lives. Come what may, next month we will have our baby girl... CAN'T WAIT!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Winner Gets a Prize!
As I get more and more excited about Madi's arrival, I can't help but imagine all the details. With that said, I thought it would be fun to have a small competition. I think it just makes it more fun and gives something even more to look forward to. Below in the comment section, you can guess the labor date, weight, and length of Madi. The closest guesser overall will get a prize. I don't know what it will be yet, but after her birth and we get settled I really will send a prize.
My guess...
Labor Date: December 11, 2010
Weight: 7lbs, 6 oz.
Length: 19 inches.
This is a random guess! If I win I don't have to get a prize so that would be nice ;) he he.Good luck everyone.
My guess...
Labor Date: December 11, 2010
Weight: 7lbs, 6 oz.
Length: 19 inches.
This is a random guess! If I win I don't have to get a prize so that would be nice ;) he he.Good luck everyone.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The most remarkable feeling!
This weekend was my baby shower. The people that I love so dearly all gathered to encourage me and my new baby girl that is on her way. I felt so loved and special. I now have all of these gorgeous things that are being set up beautifully in Madi's room. It just reminds me of how lucky I am. I have 5 weeks until her due date and I feel so ready. I am not scared, nervous, or anxious. I am content and feel a calm joy and that feeling is priceless. I am going to try my best to hold on to and remember this feeling because like all emotions they do pass. But so far... this feeling of peaceful anticipation takes the cake!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Madi Bear
Madi Bear...that is what we call you. I am not sure how it came to be, but it has already stuck. For all we know you won't look like a bear at all. We started taking our birthing class in the hopes of having the best birth possible to bring you into the world as peacefully as possible. The book they gave us suggested writing you letters and so I thought I would give it a try.
Your daddy and I already love you more than we can stand. Every morning when he leaves for work and I am still in bed, he gives me a kiss and then kisses and rubs my belly and tells you he loves you and hopes you have a great day. You will be completely still and then as soon as daddy rubs my belly you start pushing against his hand and rolling around. As crazy as it sounds, I think you know who he is. Sometimes you push so hard it feels as if you are trying to get out to get to him. You do the exact same thing at the end of the day when I get home from work and your daddy asks how your day was. It is such a special thing. I hope you adore him just as much when you actually arrive.
Last night we used a flash light to play with you. Now that you can see light through the belly you just go crazy when we shine a light on you. It is so fun. The doctor tells me that you are supposed to start moving a lot less because you are running out of room, but I think you are moving more. You are stronger now, so sometimes you kick so hard it actually startles me. Already, you are working to keep me on my toes.
We have less than seven weeks to go, but we are getting anxious to meet you. We have all sorts of predictions about what type of baby you will be. We think you will be really energetic and possibly a little high maintenance. You seem to already make all of the decisions :) Sometimes you stick your foot behind one of my hips making it impossible for me to stand up until you move, you decide when I have to pee, and if and when I get a good night sleep. Still... I am never annoyed, just overjoyed it is you causing all of that trouble. I am excited to meet you and excited to see how our life will change. There are so many fun things to learn about you. Will you be a good eater? Will you be a good sleeper? Will you be social and love people like we do?All of these are fun things that we get to figure out. No matter what, we already love you and know that we will love you even more with every day. Thank you for working your way to us and being patient with me on days when I am on the go 10 plus hours at a time. You have truly been a great sport! I promise we will have more mellow days to come and will relax lots when you get here.
See you soon.
Love always,
your mommy.
Your daddy and I already love you more than we can stand. Every morning when he leaves for work and I am still in bed, he gives me a kiss and then kisses and rubs my belly and tells you he loves you and hopes you have a great day. You will be completely still and then as soon as daddy rubs my belly you start pushing against his hand and rolling around. As crazy as it sounds, I think you know who he is. Sometimes you push so hard it feels as if you are trying to get out to get to him. You do the exact same thing at the end of the day when I get home from work and your daddy asks how your day was. It is such a special thing. I hope you adore him just as much when you actually arrive.
Last night we used a flash light to play with you. Now that you can see light through the belly you just go crazy when we shine a light on you. It is so fun. The doctor tells me that you are supposed to start moving a lot less because you are running out of room, but I think you are moving more. You are stronger now, so sometimes you kick so hard it actually startles me. Already, you are working to keep me on my toes.
We have less than seven weeks to go, but we are getting anxious to meet you. We have all sorts of predictions about what type of baby you will be. We think you will be really energetic and possibly a little high maintenance. You seem to already make all of the decisions :) Sometimes you stick your foot behind one of my hips making it impossible for me to stand up until you move, you decide when I have to pee, and if and when I get a good night sleep. Still... I am never annoyed, just overjoyed it is you causing all of that trouble. I am excited to meet you and excited to see how our life will change. There are so many fun things to learn about you. Will you be a good eater? Will you be a good sleeper? Will you be social and love people like we do?All of these are fun things that we get to figure out. No matter what, we already love you and know that we will love you even more with every day. Thank you for working your way to us and being patient with me on days when I am on the go 10 plus hours at a time. You have truly been a great sport! I promise we will have more mellow days to come and will relax lots when you get here.
See you soon.
Love always,
your mommy.
Monday, October 25, 2010
I'm ready
I am over the hump of feeling sad to give up being pregnant and now I am just excited to meet Madi. I have enjoyed her so much and she really has been easy on my body which I really appreciate. I love watching and feeling her move in my belly. The hiccups are my favorite, but I am sure they are annoying to her ;) he he. Sometimes I will be trying to get homework done, run errands, do laundry, clean and vacuum, make meals, etc and everything takes twice as long because Madilynn is sometimes less than cooperative. Those times are when she wants to stretch out and push like she is trying to break right out of my belly or she will stick a foot in my hip making it more difficult to walk. Still, I am not the least bit annoyed. Instead I am so grateful I get to have a little one even if it means I can't do what I used to. At the end of the day, anything I don't get done is worth knowing my little one is healthy and moving all around. A few weeks ago I was able to hear her hiccups on the doppler at my OB appointment and it literally took my breath away.
I am excited to see what she looks like. Will she have hair? What color will it be? How much will she weight? How long will she be? Will she be a good sleeper? Will she be a good eater? Will she be filled with energy or more of a mellow baby? I am so excited to find out all of these things about her. Strangely, I am even excited to experience labor. It is something I have never done and I really do love new experiences despite the negative connotation that labor can have. I know it will all be worth it. I feel ready for her. There are still some things that we need for her, but emotionally, I now I can hack this. I am ready to show her how much I love her. I am ready for her to meet her daddy (though I know she can hear him, because she always goes crazy at night when he gets home from work). I only need her to stay in here another 3 - 4 weeks to ensure her lungs are ready to go and then it is up to her. We are ready when she is. :)
I am excited to see what she looks like. Will she have hair? What color will it be? How much will she weight? How long will she be? Will she be a good sleeper? Will she be a good eater? Will she be filled with energy or more of a mellow baby? I am so excited to find out all of these things about her. Strangely, I am even excited to experience labor. It is something I have never done and I really do love new experiences despite the negative connotation that labor can have. I know it will all be worth it. I feel ready for her. There are still some things that we need for her, but emotionally, I now I can hack this. I am ready to show her how much I love her. I am ready for her to meet her daddy (though I know she can hear him, because she always goes crazy at night when he gets home from work). I only need her to stay in here another 3 - 4 weeks to ensure her lungs are ready to go and then it is up to her. We are ready when she is. :)
Overwhelmed but hopeful
I have sooooooo much to do! Somehow, I always manage to over extend myself and then proceed to have emotional breakdowns when the load gets too heavy. Oh man do I have some bad habits. Last week was an insane week of school and work and this week does not look to be any better. I have midterms, am fighting some sort of sickness, am working extra hours, and have extra jobs that need to get done before my mother in law gets here for my baby shower. Still, as stressed as I am I know that in just a couple of weeks this crazy will have passed and I will be on my way to the last few weeks of this pregnancy. :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sharing is hard at all ages
Prepare yourself.... this is ridiculous.
I have less than 9 weeks to go until my Madi bear is due to join our family and I am experiencing serious sadness over the whole thing. I LOVE being pregnant and am so sad for that to be coming to an end. I feel very blessed and realize I am one of the lucky few that is still comfortable at this point and never experienced even a hint of morning sickness. I am grateful for that and I really do think that has enhanced the experience that much more. As excited as I am to meet her, I don't quite feel ready to share her with the world. I want to give birth and keep her all to myself. Yes, I know... it's absurd and impossible. I am hoping these feelings pass. Somehow I love this little person more than I have ever loved anything and I have never even met her. It's so surreal and exciting all at the same time. In my tummy, I can feel her move and kick and I know she is content and happy. She receives all the nourishment she needs and never cries. Once she is in the real world, it is one day closer to the trials and tribulations of the world and that breaks my heart. It's one day closer to the first time she gets sick, ends up in the emergency room, or gets a broken heart. I wish I could do the impossible, and protect her from all hurt in the world. I take comfort knowing that ultimately, God knows her life plan and will take care of her in ways that I can not. Still, I am not quite ready to let go. I am sure all of this is stemming from my out-of-control hormones and emotions. When she gets here, it will all have been worth it and these feelings will seem like a distant memory... I hope.
I have less than 9 weeks to go until my Madi bear is due to join our family and I am experiencing serious sadness over the whole thing. I LOVE being pregnant and am so sad for that to be coming to an end. I feel very blessed and realize I am one of the lucky few that is still comfortable at this point and never experienced even a hint of morning sickness. I am grateful for that and I really do think that has enhanced the experience that much more. As excited as I am to meet her, I don't quite feel ready to share her with the world. I want to give birth and keep her all to myself. Yes, I know... it's absurd and impossible. I am hoping these feelings pass. Somehow I love this little person more than I have ever loved anything and I have never even met her. It's so surreal and exciting all at the same time. In my tummy, I can feel her move and kick and I know she is content and happy. She receives all the nourishment she needs and never cries. Once she is in the real world, it is one day closer to the trials and tribulations of the world and that breaks my heart. It's one day closer to the first time she gets sick, ends up in the emergency room, or gets a broken heart. I wish I could do the impossible, and protect her from all hurt in the world. I take comfort knowing that ultimately, God knows her life plan and will take care of her in ways that I can not. Still, I am not quite ready to let go. I am sure all of this is stemming from my out-of-control hormones and emotions. When she gets here, it will all have been worth it and these feelings will seem like a distant memory... I hope.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tick, Tick, Tick
It is getting to be that time. House rearranging projects are almost finished and with that coming to a close it means I can paint Madi's room :). I can't wait to set the furniture up and be able to sit and imagine what it will be like when she arrives. I know a lot of things will change and will possibly be more chaotic, but I also know it will be the happiest chaos I have ever encountered. I can't wait to get through this week and snag some free time to let the painting begin. We are on our way!!!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Little Engine That Could
Sometimes life goes by really fast and sometimes it seems to crawl. Right now it is speeding by like lightning. But... no matter how fast life goes, my engine does not go at a faster speed these days. Still, we are making major progress.
With 13 1/2 weeks to go, we have the new crib, a shelving unit, changing table, stroller, car seat, and rocking chair for the nursery. While it is all still in disarray, I feel like we are ready enough that if she came we would survive. That is such a freeing feeling. There are a few major projects left to complete, but I am very excited to get those underway. We are going to clean out the office for my sister in law to move into and then I will be ready to paint and start organizing the babies room. I CAN NOT wait.... so much excitement.
On top of the baby fun, I have started my final semester of my college career. Fingers crossed... successful final semester and successful third trimester. This engine will have to keep on to win the prize. A beautiful baby girl, Madilynn Renee!
With 13 1/2 weeks to go, we have the new crib, a shelving unit, changing table, stroller, car seat, and rocking chair for the nursery. While it is all still in disarray, I feel like we are ready enough that if she came we would survive. That is such a freeing feeling. There are a few major projects left to complete, but I am very excited to get those underway. We are going to clean out the office for my sister in law to move into and then I will be ready to paint and start organizing the babies room. I CAN NOT wait.... so much excitement.
On top of the baby fun, I have started my final semester of my college career. Fingers crossed... successful final semester and successful third trimester. This engine will have to keep on to win the prize. A beautiful baby girl, Madilynn Renee!
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's Been A While
Life has been a whirlwind and I have had many things going on that have kept me from blogging. I am hoping to be more diligent, but can not make any promises. Here is a quick catch up!
We are 23 weeks pregnant and now know that we are having a baby girl. We have decided to name her Madilynn Renee Wood. I already love every little piece of her. So far, she is a very inconsistent sleeper. She will be up kicking all day and night for 48 hours and then she will be completely still for an entire day. ut-oh. I am hoping that is not a sign of what's to come. Additionally, whether she has been awake all day or asleep all day she is always up with her most energy at 4:30 in the morning. I never felt the early stages of movement, which at the time had made me very sad. By 20 weeks however, I could feel legitimate very strong kicks as could my husband. It was very special for both of us to be able to feel her kicking. I really am in awe at how this little person is growing and developing inside my belly and I couldn't be more ecstatic. I waited a long time to see my belly grow, but at that 20 week mark she started to make herself known. I am now getting very excited about decorating the nursery. As I make progress, I will definitely post pictures.
During the time I was away from this blog, I vacationed in the Bahamas with Ben and then made a road trip across the country with my sister -in-law. We had the time of our life. We toured Colorado, Chicago, and Niagara falls. The best part of this road trip was that it ended with my sister-in-law moving in to our home. We are elated to have her. She is my sister and a best friend. I couldn't ask for more. Our house is definitely in chaos while we are in transition of preparing for baby, but Elyse (my sister -in -law) is being amazingly patient and understanding. We have a blast together and I am sure there will soon be stories to blog about.
In 3 weeks I am about to start my very last semester of my college career with Maddi in tow while starting and finishing my last trimester simultaneously. Should be a roller coaster :) Thanks for staying with me despite my procrastination.
Hope to be back soon!
We are 23 weeks pregnant and now know that we are having a baby girl. We have decided to name her Madilynn Renee Wood. I already love every little piece of her. So far, she is a very inconsistent sleeper. She will be up kicking all day and night for 48 hours and then she will be completely still for an entire day. ut-oh. I am hoping that is not a sign of what's to come. Additionally, whether she has been awake all day or asleep all day she is always up with her most energy at 4:30 in the morning. I never felt the early stages of movement, which at the time had made me very sad. By 20 weeks however, I could feel legitimate very strong kicks as could my husband. It was very special for both of us to be able to feel her kicking. I really am in awe at how this little person is growing and developing inside my belly and I couldn't be more ecstatic. I waited a long time to see my belly grow, but at that 20 week mark she started to make herself known. I am now getting very excited about decorating the nursery. As I make progress, I will definitely post pictures.
During the time I was away from this blog, I vacationed in the Bahamas with Ben and then made a road trip across the country with my sister -in-law. We had the time of our life. We toured Colorado, Chicago, and Niagara falls. The best part of this road trip was that it ended with my sister-in-law moving in to our home. We are elated to have her. She is my sister and a best friend. I couldn't ask for more. Our house is definitely in chaos while we are in transition of preparing for baby, but Elyse (my sister -in -law) is being amazingly patient and understanding. We have a blast together and I am sure there will soon be stories to blog about.
In 3 weeks I am about to start my very last semester of my college career with Maddi in tow while starting and finishing my last trimester simultaneously. Should be a roller coaster :) Thanks for staying with me despite my procrastination.
Hope to be back soon!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Big Plan
The time has come to unveil my big plans. I had to lead you slightly astray so that you would not guess my big surprise. sorry about that. here it goes...
I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been so difficult keeping such a big secret. We are 9 weeks pregnant today and we are just sitting on cloud 9. Ben is already the cutest dad. He sits up at night reading the baby books and uses the ultrasound picture as his book mark. He talks about possible names all the time and simply shares how over joyed he is. A night doesn't pass that he doesn't say goodnight to the baby (even though the baby can't hear yet). It really is so special. We started dating 7 years ago today :) Who knew we would push through, get married (almost 2 1/2 years now) and now have a baby on the way. It seems too good to be true. I am the happiest I have ever been.
Luckily, I have not been sick at all :) a definite plus. I started getting queasy a couple of days ago, but nothing major so I will continue to count my blessings. In the mean time, I am going to continue to look forward to meeting the little baby that is growing inside of me.
I will update you soon :)
I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been so difficult keeping such a big secret. We are 9 weeks pregnant today and we are just sitting on cloud 9. Ben is already the cutest dad. He sits up at night reading the baby books and uses the ultrasound picture as his book mark. He talks about possible names all the time and simply shares how over joyed he is. A night doesn't pass that he doesn't say goodnight to the baby (even though the baby can't hear yet). It really is so special. We started dating 7 years ago today :) Who knew we would push through, get married (almost 2 1/2 years now) and now have a baby on the way. It seems too good to be true. I am the happiest I have ever been.
Luckily, I have not been sick at all :) a definite plus. I started getting queasy a couple of days ago, but nothing major so I will continue to count my blessings. In the mean time, I am going to continue to look forward to meeting the little baby that is growing inside of me.
I will update you soon :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Just a tease
I am not yet ready to tell you of my big plans but I want to let you know that I have not forgotten about my promise to you. In due time you will know my plans. The sad reality is that when i finally tell you of my plans, it will not be nearly as exciting as you think. However, I do not want to tell you of plans that may not be. I have to get permission and funds to make this happen. When I do so, you will know. Hang in there!!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Cliff Hanger
I have high hopes for this summer. Yessiree. You won't believe the things I have planned. And... juts for kicks I am going to leave you hanging for a while until I really get all of these plans set in motion. That's all I have to say for now. I have a very busy April and probably wont be able to blog until May so hang in there. I promise it will be worth it ;)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Back To It
Spring is here!!!! But what that really means is that summer is coming. It is back to the pilates, running, the gym, healthy foods, and beautiful days. The goal... lose ten pounds by June 1st.
I hope I stay motivated... it is usually very short lived. Wish me luck!
I hope I stay motivated... it is usually very short lived. Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Spring Equals New Beginnings
This last week has been absolutely beautiful. The sun has been shining and the temperature has been well into the 50's. I have spent a lot of time this week enjoying the sun and catching up with my life. I have begun my spring cleaning and reorganization and I am on my way to starting the second half of my semester at school. It is exciting to know I am half way done with the semester and my clean house with the sun shining in lets me know that summer is on its way. A well deserved break if I do say so myself.
However, this lovely change in seasons has provoked a reflection in me. I have a tendency to get so focused on where I am going and what the future is that I can let the present fall by the wayside. This is something I really want to change. In all honesty, it is exhausting looking toward the future. Ben and I desperately want to be parents and so far it has been a difficult road trying to get there. That can really take over my mind and my emotions and get in the way of my focus on the here and now. I want to really be able to enjoy who I am today and not just who I want to be or where I want to go in life. Today I am a follower of God, a wife, a student, a nanny, and a friend. I want to make it my goal to let this be a new beginning for really refining those parts of myself. I want to be able to look back and say I did each of those things the best that I could rather than say I was so focused on the future I paid little attention to them. I want to be a better wife. I want to be more serving and hospitable in that way. I want to do a better job maintainging my home despite my busy schedule. I want to be more spontaneous and create more surprises and gifts for my husband. I want to continue to love God with all of my heart and really allow myself to be challenged in my spirituality, even if that means I need to step out of my comfort zone. I want to continue to be a dedicated student without it taking over my life. School is important but my God, my husband, and my friends far exceed a degree. I want to continue to love and teach David, whom I nanny for. He lights up my life and constantly teaches me about my self worth. It is amazing what a baby can really do for your soul. He reaffirms for me, that I will be an excellent mother when the time comes. But for now, I need to work to be the best I can at the things I already am. This spring is a time to look at life as a new beginning and to do things in a way that will make me and God proud of everyday that I lived.
However, this lovely change in seasons has provoked a reflection in me. I have a tendency to get so focused on where I am going and what the future is that I can let the present fall by the wayside. This is something I really want to change. In all honesty, it is exhausting looking toward the future. Ben and I desperately want to be parents and so far it has been a difficult road trying to get there. That can really take over my mind and my emotions and get in the way of my focus on the here and now. I want to really be able to enjoy who I am today and not just who I want to be or where I want to go in life. Today I am a follower of God, a wife, a student, a nanny, and a friend. I want to make it my goal to let this be a new beginning for really refining those parts of myself. I want to be able to look back and say I did each of those things the best that I could rather than say I was so focused on the future I paid little attention to them. I want to be a better wife. I want to be more serving and hospitable in that way. I want to do a better job maintainging my home despite my busy schedule. I want to be more spontaneous and create more surprises and gifts for my husband. I want to continue to love God with all of my heart and really allow myself to be challenged in my spirituality, even if that means I need to step out of my comfort zone. I want to continue to be a dedicated student without it taking over my life. School is important but my God, my husband, and my friends far exceed a degree. I want to continue to love and teach David, whom I nanny for. He lights up my life and constantly teaches me about my self worth. It is amazing what a baby can really do for your soul. He reaffirms for me, that I will be an excellent mother when the time comes. But for now, I need to work to be the best I can at the things I already am. This spring is a time to look at life as a new beginning and to do things in a way that will make me and God proud of everyday that I lived.
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Little Things
Sometimes it's nice just to be thankful for all the little things that add up to a wonderful life. It's things like randomly running out for ice cream at a late hour, sleeping in on a Saturday morning next to my loving Husband, enjoying dinner and a glass of wine along with lots of laughs, having a beautiful home that meets our needs, having a fulfilling job, and having the best friends in the world. These are the things I thank God for. It turns out these are actually the BIG things.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Make it Mine
School started this week... blah. I am not psyched to be back in school but I am happy that I am almost done for good. This is my second to last semester :) :) :) Lately I have been trying to find the positive in everything and it has really made a big difference in my overall mood. I want to really make every day mine and make it worth living for. I have been able to spend more time in prayer which has also really lifted my spirit. I don't have much to say accept that I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday and an amazing weekend. Don't let today's snow showers ruin what could be a fabulous day.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
When in doubt... do YOGA
Fun Fact: I LOOVVEEE Yoga>
I really need a way to stay in shape and keep my head clear in the midst of my crazy life. Yoga allows me to do that. But lets face it... that costs money and has the added hassle of commute and money. Luckily, my sweet sweet Husband got me some Yoga videos and a yoga mat so I can do it on my time, in my home, for free. AMAZING.
That made tonight amazing. I was able to come home, have dinner, clean up, do an hour of yoga, and have a relaxing bubble bath. It doesn't get much better than that.
my advice for all... Get a yoga mat, get some yoga DVD's and when in doubt, do Yoga.
I really need a way to stay in shape and keep my head clear in the midst of my crazy life. Yoga allows me to do that. But lets face it... that costs money and has the added hassle of commute and money. Luckily, my sweet sweet Husband got me some Yoga videos and a yoga mat so I can do it on my time, in my home, for free. AMAZING.
That made tonight amazing. I was able to come home, have dinner, clean up, do an hour of yoga, and have a relaxing bubble bath. It doesn't get much better than that.
my advice for all... Get a yoga mat, get some yoga DVD's and when in doubt, do Yoga.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Random Thank You
My Husband does not read my blog... but still I felt it important to say a thank you to him. While having one of my melt downs recently, in an effort to cheer me up, he also encouraged me to get back into blogging. While it is still a little all over the place and I am looking for my voice, it was been fun to spice up the colors and get motivated to write/blog again. To the few of you who read my blog. Thanks for your support.
Benjamin and I decided to take a random weekend getaway to Baltimore, Maryland. If you know my husband you would also know that it wasn't random it was a great money saving deal. That line makes him sound cheap but I promise he is not. He just has an uncanny ability to find amazing deals on everything and anything. One day he was surfing the net and found incredibly inexpensive air fare... so we were on our way to a long weekend away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
We found this great hotel called Aloft (owned by Westin Hotels). It was fun, young, energetic, and very contemporary. They had fun music in the lobby with couches and pillows for lounging along with an awesome bar and beautiful fireplace. It also had a nice work out facility, but who works out on vacation???
The first day (Friday) we lied pretty low. We went to inner harbor and walked around and enjoyed the view. Get this... we watched a bus escorted with police through red lights with crazy sirens speed through the center of the harbor area. Do you know who emerged from that bus??? well... the Ravens cheerleaders and they were in a hurry to get to Chipotle. Pretty sure my chin was on the floor. Seriously, they were escorted through traffic for a burrito. Very bizarre.
On Saturday we spent the entire day in D.C.. my legs are still sore from all the walking. We went to the Smithsonian Museums, yep all of them. We also saw the White house, the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. Busy Busy Busy.
On Sunday we had brunch at a restuarant that had a flat rate for brunch that included unlimited mamosas, bloody mary's and sangrias. Sounds amazing doesn't it? yeah... well not so much. The food was gross and the drinks lacked in flavor as well. It was a nice thought though. We then headed to the outlet malls to shop :) :) :) that was heavenly. We were so wiped from our shopping we spent what we thought would be our last night eating Chinese food in our hotel room and watching the Golden Globes.
Monday morning, rise and shine at 5am. Rush to return our rental car and get to the airport with plenty of time to make our flight. Oh we definitely didn't miss it. Our flight was delayed, and delayed, and delayed, and then canceled. dun dun dun. Guess it's one more night it Baltimore. IT is definitely frustrating but we are planning on making the best of it. We are going to dinner and a movie. It has been amazing to get this time together. I am very grateful for the little get aways we get to have together. I am really excited for when we someday become parents but I also recognize the wonderful moments before. We are at a place where we can just up and leave and go at the drop of a hat and not worry about nap schedules or babysitters. I do appreciate the freedom, however I am ready to take on the responsibility so keep saying your prayers for our future family to hurry on its way ;)
We found this great hotel called Aloft (owned by Westin Hotels). It was fun, young, energetic, and very contemporary. They had fun music in the lobby with couches and pillows for lounging along with an awesome bar and beautiful fireplace. It also had a nice work out facility, but who works out on vacation???
The first day (Friday) we lied pretty low. We went to inner harbor and walked around and enjoyed the view. Get this... we watched a bus escorted with police through red lights with crazy sirens speed through the center of the harbor area. Do you know who emerged from that bus??? well... the Ravens cheerleaders and they were in a hurry to get to Chipotle. Pretty sure my chin was on the floor. Seriously, they were escorted through traffic for a burrito. Very bizarre.
On Saturday we spent the entire day in D.C.. my legs are still sore from all the walking. We went to the Smithsonian Museums, yep all of them. We also saw the White house, the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. Busy Busy Busy.
On Sunday we had brunch at a restuarant that had a flat rate for brunch that included unlimited mamosas, bloody mary's and sangrias. Sounds amazing doesn't it? yeah... well not so much. The food was gross and the drinks lacked in flavor as well. It was a nice thought though. We then headed to the outlet malls to shop :) :) :) that was heavenly. We were so wiped from our shopping we spent what we thought would be our last night eating Chinese food in our hotel room and watching the Golden Globes.
Monday morning, rise and shine at 5am. Rush to return our rental car and get to the airport with plenty of time to make our flight. Oh we definitely didn't miss it. Our flight was delayed, and delayed, and delayed, and then canceled. dun dun dun. Guess it's one more night it Baltimore. IT is definitely frustrating but we are planning on making the best of it. We are going to dinner and a movie. It has been amazing to get this time together. I am very grateful for the little get aways we get to have together. I am really excited for when we someday become parents but I also recognize the wonderful moments before. We are at a place where we can just up and leave and go at the drop of a hat and not worry about nap schedules or babysitters. I do appreciate the freedom, however I am ready to take on the responsibility so keep saying your prayers for our future family to hurry on its way ;)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Bad Day
Sometimes we have bad days and today is one of those for me. I am just feeling sort of mopey. I am partially being a brat and am annoyed that I don't get everything I want and so it gets very discouraging. As i mentioned in previous blogs, Ben and I are trying to start a family. We wanted to start in July and an emergency changed our plans. Since we have been back on track four months have passed and no baby. It is getting a little more discouraging by the day. However, I am trying to remain positive and grateful for the things that I do have. I have an amazing husband, a wonderful job, and loving friends.
Any way, sorry for the emotional dumping. I needed to off load it somewhere.
Any way, sorry for the emotional dumping. I needed to off load it somewhere.
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