Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Winner Gets a Prize!

As I get more and more excited about Madi's arrival, I can't help but imagine all the details. With that said, I thought it would be fun to have a small competition. I think it just makes it more fun and gives something even more to look forward to. Below in the comment section, you can guess the labor date, weight, and length of Madi. The closest guesser overall will get a prize. I don't know what it will be yet, but after her birth and we get settled I really will send a prize.

My guess...
Labor Date: December 11, 2010
Weight: 7lbs, 6 oz.
Length: 19 inches.

This is a random guess! If I win I don't have to get a prize so that would be nice ;) he he.Good luck everyone.


  1. you are so fun! good idea.
    Labor Date: December 14th (due date babies are fun!)
    Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz
    Length: 19 inches

  2. Labor Date:December 11th,2010 @ 11:59pm
    Weight: 7 lbs, 6.5 oz.
    Length: 19.1 inches

  3. Labor date: December 12th (my amazing grandma's birthday)
    Weight: 7.5lbs
    Length: 20 inches

  4. it's looking likely that I am going to win this contest. Melissa gets disqualified for not being original enough lol
