This morning, after surviving madi using us as a jungle gym in our bed, I suggested that we take a walk to starbucks. To my surprise, my husband blurted out, "how about IHOP?" He was supposed to have an internship a couple days a week that recently feel through, which means we have extra time with daddy. We jumped up, threw on some clothes, and headed out to breakfast. It was so nice to chat and enjoy a leisurly breakfast with a hot cup of coffee in hand. Of course, our peanut now makes it her business to chat with every human being that crosses her path so the other breakfast goers might not have had as relaxing a time as usual. At least she's cute. :)
After that we decided to stop at a New balance shoe outlet. We were planning on just window shopping, but our daughter LOVES shoes and wanted every pair in sight. The truth is she did need new shoes and we found some on clearance for $10. Jackpot. Those little legs look so stinking adorable in her new sneakers.

All in all, it was a completely wonderful unplanned morning. And... we only needed light jackets in January. It was perfect.
that sounds like a great morning!