Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happiness is...

Happiness is...
Morning snuggles wih my sweet baby girl
Her giant smiles that she gives so freely
A loving husband who always kisses me goodnight and good morning
The awe in my daughters eyes as she tries to make sense of all this snow
My hot cup of coffee on cold mornings
A husband who is willing to have the tough conversations
And who waits patiently for me to get on bored with things (example....waited a year for me to get on the having a baby band wagon)
A God who gives me grace at my most selfish moments
A family I love so much I hate being away from them
Having friends that make it easy and are always there when you need them.

Life isn't always perfect and doesn't always go the way we plan, but I'm striving to be content in this new year. Accepting the blessings and the hardships and remembering where my happy place truly is.


  1. Such a great spirit...and reminder. Funny how hard it can be sometimes to hold on to the glass half full perspective! I really appreciate how willing you are to share your heart with us!
