If you are looking for the perfect husband, look no further. I am married to him. Sure, we all have our minor flaws, but this man is perfect for me. He keeps me balanced without ever trying to change who I am. Not only does he accept who I am, but he likes who I am. We are best friends and in love. He is patient with me at my most stubborn times. He teaches me how to be confident in my skin and embrace my fears. He helps minimize my insecurities. This man loves the things about me that I like least and celebrates them. This is rare and I am so grateful for it. We have been together for almost 9 years and married for 4 of those and I actually do love him more today than all the days before.
He helps me to see things in a different like and with new perspectives. When I got a parking ticket and feared the worst of what he would say, he was kind instead and told me it was ok. When my mom passed away, he held me close so I would feel protected. When I cry, he wipes my tears away and kisses my cheeks. When he doesn't understand me, he listens anyway. When I wanted him to repaint the baby's room because after finishing the first paint job I changed my mind on the color, he did it and never once got mad at me. When I am being unreasonable, he tells me so. And while, I may not get my way, he makes it clear that he finds my unreasonable states adorable. When I don't squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom, he shakes his head at me, but then lets it go. When I get overwhelmed and neurotic about the cleanliness of our home, he jumps in to help me. All in all, he is always there for me.
This man is the best dad. He gets down on all fours to play peek a boo around the corners and reads books to our baby girl before snuggling with her in a rocking chair. He changes diapers, gets meals together, and takes her to the park. He never passes up an opportunity to laugh with his tiny sweetheart. He loves her wholeheartedly.
I am sure that there isn't anything this man would not do for me. I know I am a priority and I know I am loved. I admire his patience and work ethic. He is strong- willed and responsible. He takes care of our family, keeping a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. There is no doubt that I married the perfect one for me and I look forward to many more years together.