Thursday, March 7, 2013

It wasn't a great day.

Today was definitely not my favorite day. It wasn't all bad, but it was definitely discouraging. Because we have been home quarantined due to the virus that had plagued our household cabin fever has gotten the best of one adorable toddler - though not so adorable today. I think mostly out of boredom she began to get into and destroy everything she came into contact with. She whined about everything all day long and on top of that chose not to take her nap and played in her bed for two hours instead. On average she probably only needs 1 or 2 time outs a week to keep her in check and in a particularly great week there are no timeouts. Today it felt like she was in time out all day. At one point, I was giving her yet another warning before her millionth time out when she interrupted me to say, "you close your mouth right now!" Needless to say my chin hit the floor. Sassy was full on and she was testing her limits and all boundaries. On top of her poor attitude, she was exhausted and clumsy. She hit her head about seven times, bruised her elbow and burnt two fingers by reaching up onto the stove. Finally almost in the home stretch we had one big catastrophic melt down right before bed. She stamped her feet in place screaming at the top of her lungs in time out because she was refusing to cooperate and get her pajamas on. It was quite the welcome home for my husband. Once I laid her down she was sound asleep in under 2 minutes, thank God.

That is my venting for today. Most days I really do find her to be sweet, charming, sensitive, and obedient. Overall she is my greatest joy. There were a few of those sweet moments making cookies and snuggling on the couch to watch a show together, but those moments were quickly over shadowed by the many difficult moments. But she wouldn't be a toddler if she didn't have her moments to freak out. Today was disappointing. I feel like it was a wasted day that had potential to be a wonderful snow day. oh well. Here's to a better tomorrow.

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