Saturday, April 28, 2012


This week has pushed both Ben and I to our limits. This is partially a result of poor time management and partially because we just had an insanely busy week with a needy toddler. Ben is in the throws of his final weeks of graduate school. Wahoo!!!!! He has been glued to the computer working tirelessly to finish strong. I have been so proud of him. In an effort to soak up any time with him, I have been staying up SUPER late along with him. The hours of lost sleep are starting to really stack up.

Then, sadly, we found out that my great Aunt passed away suddenly in her sleep. She was 69 years old and married to my uncle for 47 years. They started dating when they were 15. The funeral was in CT on Friday and was emotionally draining. I can’t help, but realize that one day that could be Ben and I. It feels too real and terrifying. I can’t stand to watch my cousins lose their mother. I have yet to find a worse feeling, and I am so sad that they have to experience it. This alone has taken the very life out of me.

As life gets busier we have to fight to keep up. Poor Madi has had 4 babysitters in just 2 days and I have had only 6 hours total with her in those last 2 days. Last night she was up from 3:30 to 5:30. Ouch. Ben tag teamed with me thank goodness. I had to be up at 6 am for work so the middle of the night waking hurt more than it usually would. Never the less, the girls teeth are killing her so she’s really not at fault. Our house is a disaster… result of mommy being gone so much and babysitters in and out.

Tonight we are looking forward to a much needed date night. In this moment, a nap seems much more exciting, but I know once we are out it will be worth it. We are contemplating a movie. We have not been to the movies since Madi was 4 weeks old. Yikes!. Looking forward to life slowing down a smidge so that I can soak up the beauty that is my family.

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